The United Nations’ World Humanitarian Day is once again uniting those who work tirelessly for the survival and well-being of people affected by crises and for the safety of all aid workers. With the motto “The Human Race”, the focus of this year’s World Humanitarian Day is the global climate crisis. Spread Group’s store partners “Earth Day Network”, “National Parks Conservation Association” and “SECORE International”, to name a few, have committed themselves to this important cause.
Earth Day Network
For the past year, the Spread Group has been working with the Earth Day Network to boost visibility for their commitment to environmental protection. Their global movement dates back to April 22, 1970, when 20 million people first mobilized to demand greater protection for our natural world. Today, 51 years later, climate change has become the greatest threat of our time. The Earth Day Network is one of the key organizations coordinating volunteers to tackle the challenges presented by the climate crisis. Proceeds from their Earth Day Store go towards various environmental projects, such as The Canopy Project and Artists for The Earth.
National Parks Conservation Association
We have been working closely with our partners at the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) for three years. As the only independent, nonpartisan membership organization, the association is considered the voice of America’s national parks. For over 100 years, it has been dedicated to the protection and preservation of these unique natural places. Among other things, it is thanks to the NPCA that the endangered Florida panther has been reintroduced into the Everglades ecosystem and that the Great Basin, Tallgrass Prairie and Pullman national parks were created. The association already has about 1.3 million members, and non-member support is also possible by purchasing one of their products from the ParkShop.
SECORE International
The conservation organization SECORE International has been one of our partners since 2018. They are committed to the restoration of coral reefs, which is so urgently needed due to their critically endangered position worldwide. Together with interdisciplinary engineers, they have developed their own techniques and tools for coral farming and built a global network of scientists, public aquarium experts, and local authorities, partners and stakeholders. They also share their knowledge through training events and workshops, and advise their partners on how to implement new techniques in the field. Those who wish to support the initiative and its commitment to thriving coral reefs and healthy oceans can donate directly or make purchases in their SECORE International Shop.
From animal welfare to sea bridges to local artists, there are many great initiatives and activists to be found among the 170,000+ Spreadshops in Europe as well as North America. Learn more here.
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