All proceeds of the shop go to the Caritas Ukraine Aid
The war has been raging in Ukraine for over 40 days. We are speechless at the sight of the violence and the humanitarian catastrophe. The footage in the media is hard to watch, and it is even harder to just stand idly by. Many of our colleagues have joined initiatives to coordinate donations in kind and drive to the borders with Ukraine to deliver them. Others host people seeking protection. We as a company have organized fundraising campaigns to provide direct support to Ukrainian families who have arrived at our production site in Legnica (Poland). Solidarity is key in times like these.
As an e-commerce and design platform, we have experienced how great the desire is to express solidarity on clothing and accessories. The demand for designs and products supporting the cause of Ukrainians in distress is strong, and it has become quite clear that people wish for nothing but a peaceful outcome. There have been over 10,000 newly uploaded designs with graphics in blue and yellow, the hashtag #StandWithUkraine and the ‘No War’ typography. Customers favor stickers and T-shirts to take the message to the streets.
The team at our Leipzig headquarters was able to support several local initiatives, such as the Humanitarian Aid Ukraine e.V., the FAIRbund e.V. as well as the Leipzig Crowd, a project of the city of Leipzig and Leipziger Group. And the desire to take the initiative ourselves has taken on a concrete shape:
The idea for the #spreadPeace campaign was initiated to take a stance for peace and freedom while supporting the people in Ukraine. We set up a charity shop featuring a great variety of designs centered around topics such as humanity, peace, freedom, and Ukraine. All proceeds will go directly to the Caritas Wien Ukraine Aid. Caritas is one of the largest aid organizations in the world and has been active for many years. We are proud to partner up with Caritas and donate 100% of the proceeds from the shop to people in need. In doing so, everyone can make a donation through the purchase of a product and then further spread the message on T-shirts, stickers, and more – everywhere in the world. Please take a look at our European #spreadPeace shop and our International shop for the USA and Australia.
Further links:
- Caritas Wien Ukraine Aid:
- European Shop:
- International Shop:
- Leipzig crowd:
- Humanitarian Aid Ukraine e.V.:
- FAIRbund e.V.:
- Solidarity designs on the Spreadshirt marketplace: